Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Big Seminar Preview Is Today

Today is the day for the Big Seminar
lead-up training call.

Big Seminar is the oldest and biggest of the
Internet Marketing get-togethers. The traditions
was started 13 years ago by Armand Morin, creator
of the Generator line of products and one of the
foremost trainers in the industry.

This year's Big Seminar will be held Nov. 6-8 in Las Vegas.
I can assure you that all the big name marketers will be there,
and a good share of them will be speaking. This is one of those
events where joint ventures and bonds of friendship are made
within the IM community.

In leading up to the big event, Armand does weekly
teleseminars with the speakers he is featuring at
the seminar-- 20 teleseminars in all that are completely
free. Even those who do not make it to Big Seminar will
benefit greatly from the sessions with leaders in IM being
interviewed by Armand.

Tonight's call is 9 p.m. Eastern. To get the call-in
information please sign up on the form at the link:


From my experience these can be really good
because they tend to share a lot of great

You can find out more here:



Take care.


P.S All the info for the calls will be sent
to you after you fill in your info here:


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