Sunday, June 21, 2009

Content Management 101

Creating the credibility needed to be considered an authority in your area takes time and effort. Unless you already have a long portfolio of websites, books, articles and seminar appearances in a given niche, you need to look at building a constellation of Web 2.0 sites that point back to your main business hub site, or your main money site.

The latest authorities believe you need three to five blogs, Squidoo lenses and other content-loaded sites on various aspects of your main topic, all pointing back to your main site. There is evidence that it works best to link back to your main business, or a hub site for a product line, rather than to take these Web 2.0 sites directly to your main money site. The best structure may depend on the product, what the competition is like, and other factors, and will always be subject to testing and readjustment as needed.

When I'm working on a new project for myself, or for a client, the very first thing I generally do is keyword analysis. I like to find out who my competition is, how successful they are, and how much traffic is coming in for the site vs. the number of competing web pages. Tools I use make it very easy to analyze the potential money to be made with a given keyword using search engine optimization (SEO) or natural search order, or AdWords Pay Per Click campaigns. I can also quickly get information on the top 10 or more competitors for a given keyword, and how vulnerable they are to being knocked back by a concerted marketing and SEO effort on our part.

I then plan out a series of "pillar" and secondary articles and blog posts to put on new themed blogs, Squidoo lenses and free Ezine directories. I look for opportunities to submit press releases for new sites, products and services. Then I follow up with syndication of the most important content, bookmarking and blog and forum commenting for client properties.

All of this takes time, and, quite frankly, I will soon be hiring Virtual Assistants. Web Designers and Freelance Writers to help me keep up with the demand for these activities.

The site that describes my Content Management business is In this blog I concentrate on using blogs to develop your authority in a niche market, and on the art of blogging itself, as well as covering the latest on my own Content Management business. People who are interested in working on these types of content management projects should contact me here, or through

In addition to writing my own information products for the real estate and other niche markets, I have a number of clients for whom I produce blog and article copy, newsletters and ebooks. I also analyze keywords and advise clients on the best "money" and "traffic" keywords for their markets.

I particularly like to advise people who are just starting out in a niche and need assistance in narrowing the niche to the most profitable sub-niches. The mistake too many people make at first (and I've been guilty of this myself) is to pick too general a niche that provides little hope of optimizing to a top search engine spot, even after years of effort. Unless you are willing to spend massive amounts of money, it is difficult to impossible to rank in very broad or amorphous categories. We charge $197 for keyword analysis and a report of SEO competition and traffic estimates for one niche or "money" website.

If you are interested in an analysis just contact me through the comments, which we moderate and will keep private for you. Leave contact information and we'll get hold of you.

Our other content management services are customized and can vary depending on other work we may be doing for a client. In general, to prepare and maintain three Web 2.0 sites referencing a main "money" or "hub" site, do regular blog posting, create and post a package of articles on Ezine directories, syndicate, bookmark and blog comment in order to establish authority for your key sites costs $497 per month. We will put together a quote for you if you respond to this post, or contact us via

The SEO process for content management, while not the fastest way to "make it" online, is one of the surest ways to financial stability as you grow your good reputation in your niche.

Liz Nichols

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