Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Suffering from Information Overload?

Are you feeling overwhelmed? I know I am. I seem to intentionally do it to myself.

As you know if you've been following myself I'm starting the battle of the automatic systems and that means I've got to work on each set-up just about each day. Mind you, I think all of the gurus-cum-trainers that I have paid to get me in the black quickly are all reputable and just will appeal to folks in different ways. We'll see how well each system ultimately works for me.

But in the process of setting up four different systems (Cheney, Wellman, Stafford and VanDyke) I am feeling a bit overwhelmed. Like, can they invent a 48 hour day just for my benefit?

Well, my friend Erik Stafford apparently asked his buddies at JVAlert what each believes the number one cause of Internet marketer failure is. You guessed it: the answer is overload.

Erik has put together a 60 minute teleseminar called "The Law of Action: Overcoming Information Overload" on Thursday, June 12 at 9 p.m. EST. Thought you might like to listen in if you are even close to my present state of overload. Here's the link:

The Law of Action: Overcoming Information Overload
Date/Time: Thursday, June 12th at 9:00pm Eastern
Format: Simulcast! (Attend via Phone or Webcast -- it's your choice)
Duration: Approx 60 minutes

Check out Erik's site at TheFasterWebmaster. He's one of the nicest and most genuinely caring guys in Internet marketing. I know he's been there with the overload stuff. He feels our pain!

Liz Nichols

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